Extistential third eye of 'Modern Man" (still from trailer to 'Inside a Machine').
Still from trailer to 'Inside a Machine'.
Still from trailer to 'Inside a Machine'.
Extistential third eye of 'Modern Man" (still from trailer to 'Inside a Machine').
Level Headed (Proprioception glasses) ‘Open Senses Festival’, Spectacle – A Proprioceptive Investigation, Trampery, East London.
Proprioception glasses ‘Open Senses Festival’, Spectacle – A Proprioceptive Investigation, Trampery, East London.
Pigeon Vision (Helmets that give you 270 degree vision like that of pigeons).
(man) & Machine
(man) & Machine interests me as much as (man) in nature because at the moment they seem two opposite people and yet we seem to be both these people. It is Fluidism hope that these two people can be brought together and become one. Not necessarily harmoniously but in conversation and action, interest and capability. (. Its about understanding the diversity of the world we have created, the wonders that have achieved throught technology. But it is also the implications of such actions and making sure we remains connected and not become disjointed or alienated to the natural world. We are all cyborgs, we can no linger ignore it, for many of us a smart phone is with ‘us for much of the day. We need acceptanceof who we really are. We need to not only have embodiment of body and mind of (man) to nature but now we need to accept the embodiment of (man) and machine and make sure the journey we take together is for the benefit of future generations as well as the enviroment in which we live.