• 'Where All the Missing Teaspoons Go. (Household paint poured over a dozen 'found' teaspoons. A process that was done many times to build up the layers of paint).

  • Jelly Baby.(Fluidity of Life). Painted in jelly, and acrylic paint on canvas).

  • Close up of 'Flayed, a self portrait'. (Household paint).

  • Found Object from the Land of Liminality (teaspoons, orange & lemon jelly set in limestone rock).

  • In an ever changing world... it is unwise to write in stone. (limestone on wooden lecturn).


Diversity brings interest, colourfullness, excitment, understanding, openess. Fluidium celebrates diversity in all its forms without the exclusion to others.And with it comes beauty. For example, it believes in the rights of the ‘ze’ and the ‘they’ without the exclusion of the ‘she’ and the ‘he’ for the ‘she’ and the ‘he’ are not binaries but exist within the spectrum of gender. This is the same with regards to colour and its spectrum between black and white. If we are all part of the spectrum then we are all individually unique and yet still all part of the same.
Fludisim celebrates diversity by bringing together and finding the connectivness between the binaries, a dialogue of inclusivity, not polarisation. It allows us to look at the world anew, a world that becomes interesting, intriguing with a plethora of new narratives.